Once loaded you will be given the following options to set: Once installed the menu option can be found under File ➡️ Create ➡️ Startrail On linux and macs this can be done by running chmod +x startrail.py from the plugins folder. If the plugin isn't working for you then check this first. The startrail.py script requires execute permissions for it to work. Once done reload GIMP to have the changes take effect. You will also be able to see the default locations used on this dialog. Here you can add a new folder by clicking the new button ( 📄) and then navigating to the folder.
This last option can be done by going to Preferences ➡️ Folders ➡️ Plug-Ins. You can either place it in the default locations (see below), or my preference, by adding a plugin folder in my home directory to the plugins. To install the plugin, copy the file startrail.py into a plugin folder of your choice. On Linux and OSX this will be preinstalled but for Windows you will need to install this separately. Gimp-startrail-compositor is a plugin for GIMP which automates the stacking of startrail images, producing either 1 or a set of stacked images.